Then, any time you see an article of interest but don't have time to read it, simply click on the bookmarklet and forget it.
The service employs a text parser that lets you view only the article text and select images from the page, and you can print it out this way, too. Work well. This is the digital version of my habit of tearing articles out of magazines and putting them in a folder to read when I'm flying somewhere, and I love that. The only thing missing is a link that'd automatically print to a PDF.
You could say, "just bookmark it, lazybones." But you'd be right. I'm lazy. Bookmarking takes multiple clicks, even in Chrome - not worth the trouble for a lot of articles that I'm interested in, but don't need to remember long-term or read at all if I'm short on time. Besides which, I think I'm more likely to go to this page than to go to my bookmarks to find these links.
What pushes it over is the iPhone app (and I hope an eventual Android app) that'll let you access your "Read Later" list on the go. There's a free, ad-supported version and a $5 pro version that adds higher capacity and a bunch of other features, best being remembering where you left off and integrating with your email program for sending the link to a friend.