But wait. Settle down just a second. Aren't there things bloggers should know about? Isn't there a right way to blog? Turns out there is...
- You need a plan
- You need a vision
- You need a topic
- You need material
- You need to be relevant
- You need a blogging platform
- You need a layout
- You need readers/audience/market
And for this perfectionist geek, each line in this incomplete list represents a minefield of wrong decisions. That means research. Not the cool kind of research that broadens your perspective and makes better posts. But the kind of research that pulls together enough conflicting opinions about proper blogging that half a decade goes by with no posts.
Perfectionism is an oil spill on the wings of creativity.
Have I waxed overly philosohpical for an opening post?
Shouldn't I have told you what I was planning to write about on this blog?
Is my theme too whimsical?
Stop. Hit "Publish". Done.