13 December 2009
Not my tweets
21 October 2009
Pintos round II
02 October 2009
Just don't lose it with the ringer off!
OK, this is awesome, especially for those that don't have a land line. Either way, you can tell I'm a fan of simple service websites, and WheresMyCellPhone is one I'll definitely need someday.
(Via Download Squad)
29 September 2009
Return My Pants
OK, now this is a nice simple way to solve a very real problem for many people. Lenders of things who lose track, and borrowers of things who's intentions are better than their memories.
But mostly, I just love the name of the site, so check out Return My Pants (via Lifehacker).
22 September 2009
Magic Beans!
As a side note, if you're at all uncertain about why you should definitely be eating beans, this article is a good start.
... In a bowl over a scoop of your favorite type of rice (cooked, of course).
20 September 2009
Blackberry Dialing Tip
30 August 2009
The surprise geek
But though it comes as no surprise to many, I can't just drop that and walk away because my brother reads this, and he's the only person in my life who confronts my word abuse. So, I tried Google and a smattering of online dictionaries for a definition, but most of what I found was too specific - centered around either computers or biting heads off of chickens.
My friend Heather was surprised, and shocked me by wondering out loud when I'd "become such a geek" after I gushed on Facebook about Google Voice and syncing my cell contacts with Google. I know Heather from my second career (I'm on number five) as the Director of Operations (DOO) at a non-profit camp and conference center. And I was surely a geek back then. I once drove hours to attend a seminar on floor cleaning and proper use of entryway floor mats. More importantly, to this day, I'm excited about that seminar and how I applied what I learned. I still have the handouts, and I haven't been responsible for the condition of an entryway mat in ten years. Here's my point: Even though this joy in knowledge was not computer-y, it was deeply, deeply geeky.
That's why this definition from Wikipedia grabbed me - "A person who has chosen concentration rather than conformity; one who passionately pursues skill (especially technical skill) and imagination, not mainstream social acceptance."
There are all kinds of geeks. Any skill can be learned, but there is a best way to do everything. CARING to look up, discover, or even claim the best way, defines geek. Wait till Heather finds out she's a cooking geek.
So wherefore the blog? My mission is to make your life simpler, cheaper, and funner so that you can focus on making the world a better place. To that end, I'll post all manner of "hacks" or tricks or systems that I discover or run across (both computer-y and noncomputer-y). On the flip side, the geeky systems that I create for myself can be handy, but they can also become an end in themselves - a distraction from the relationships that make life worthwhile - so, there will be posts about relationships and personal growth. Cheaper than a therapist, so thanks in advance. I'll post a couple of times a month - more if I get around to it or start writing faster.
Out of curiosity, I found and took this test on line and rated around 30% or "Total Geek" which was only the third of eight levels of geekiness. I think I'm geekier than that, but I also think the test was skewed toward computer geekiness. And if you're wondering if that critique is fair, you're a candidate - so just go take the test. Full disclosure: I did answer "Yes" on "I exaggerated on this test to score better", because I also said "Yes" on the question about owning a lightsaber, when, in fact, I own a Stormtrooper blaster. Which is mounted on the wall. In my office.
27 July 2009
On perfectionism: An incomplete list
But wait. Settle down just a second. Aren't there things bloggers should know about? Isn't there a right way to blog? Turns out there is...
- You need a plan
- You need a vision
- You need a topic
- You need material
- You need to be relevant
- You need a blogging platform
- You need a layout
- You need readers/audience/market
And for this perfectionist geek, each line in this incomplete list represents a minefield of wrong decisions. That means research. Not the cool kind of research that broadens your perspective and makes better posts. But the kind of research that pulls together enough conflicting opinions about proper blogging that half a decade goes by with no posts.
Perfectionism is an oil spill on the wings of creativity.
Have I waxed overly philosohpical for an opening post?
Shouldn't I have told you what I was planning to write about on this blog?
Is my theme too whimsical?
Stop. Hit "Publish". Done.